UX PROJECT: monetization

In-game monetization started with two forms of game play currency. While the game was still in production and imagery was not approved, I put together a flow for character purchase, as well as a check-out using real world currency. Below, you can see a flow diagram explaining some of my wireframes, as well as a character selector. The key layout issue I strived to keep, was to make sure the page came alive with moving characters while at the same time, not add too much visual noise so the customer wasn't sure what section of the real estate they should focus on when considering an upgrade, purchase of a new character, or other in-game items.

The diagram above helped me to understand checkout flow.

The diagram above helped me to understand checkout flow.

This basic wireframe would be easily ported over to not just character purchase, but weapon and chest offerings as well. 

This basic wireframe would be easily ported over to not just character purchase, but weapon and chest offerings as well. 

Here is a visual treatment to show what all the pieces look like once fleshed out. 

Here is a visual treatment to show what all the pieces look like once fleshed out.