CLZ started by offering collectors a comprehensive data base to search for comics. Collectors could then catalog their own collections in both web and app format. Their next product was CLZ Music. This of course, became a database for music--as a separate product. But what if you wanted to combine these two products into one simple app? Why not have just one place for collectors to find their "stuff"? Imagine a customer needing an app for CLZ Toys + an app for CLZ Games + an app for CLZ Games...etc. etc....are customers expected to download an app for each of these as well and pay the yearly fee that goes with each individual product? Below is an initial pitch to combine all services starting with Vinyl Records…
What you see below is the walkthrough for swapping collections between comic book collections. It's an app unto itself only of comics. Fairly straightforward. I didn't like the icons that are supposed to look like servers (see fig 2)? They looked like stacked pancakes (next to Iron Man and Batman Collections). Joking aside, icon use here is fairly important, I felt, to differentiate between collections.
The challenge is to combine products (Comics, Records, Books, etc) while at that same time, making it easy to differentiate between products and as a brief caveat-- "Don't re-invent the visual style."
Below is a bird’s eye view of the walk through (from left to right)